Tuesday, July 24, 2007

chapter 11 exerzise pg 303

induction-is the process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believed to support the conclusion but do not ensure it.

reasoning-is the mental cognative process of looking for reason to support beliefs, conclusions, actions or feelings

empirical-A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical

scientifci method-is a body of techniques for investigating and acquiring new knowledge, as well as for correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

inductive reasoning-same as induction

chapter 12 exerzise pg 348

Deductive reasoning is used to some degree in all problem solving. There are some problems that rely on very little besides deductive reasoning to arrive at a solution. We often call these "logical reasoning" problems and they must be worked through piece by piece to get to an answer. Frequently, these problems require little or no calculation to solve. Many people find it helpful to make a chart or diagram to keep track of solution parts as they are worked out.
How do you use deductive reasoning?
Decide exactly what it is you are trying to find out.
Identify all information you have available in the problem.
Design a way to record information you have as well as interrelationships between pieces of information.
Record all available information and use it to fill in blanks.
Look back to ensure each conclusion you make is justified based on the information you have.

chapter 1 exerzise

in a picture that is black and white a blonde haired girl no older than 5 stands in a field of short grass. her head is pointed down because she is blind. she holds a doll by her white hair with her right hand infornt of and shoulder level. the doll has a white dress on. the girl holds a blind stick with her left hand pointing it in fornt of her outward just about3 inches from the ground. the girl is wearing a lght colored sweater with butterflies all over it 2 inches apart, but in the middle stands a square with an 36 inches in area. inside the square are 4 b igger butterflies. she wears matching sweatpant with the same pattern excluding the square. her shoes are small white with two velcro straps starped. its daylight.

mind maps both books 8-14

ty ch 9 sum

arguments state and defend a claim in an attempt to persauade. arguments requires involvement interaction with questions. arguments inclued reasons and conclusions. data, evidence are examples of types of reason. conclusions are simply hypotheses. fighting can be easier then arguing, but who likes to be hit in the face, not me thank you. so understanding the meaing and aspects of an arguments will not always but most of the time keep things verbal instead of physical.

ty ch 8 sum

viewpoints are far more than a synonym for the word opinion. they are beliefs or understandings. there are several types of viewpoints. for example religion, education, pastimes and political are just a few. theycan be broken down into either conscious or unconscious. we communicate best when we are aware of or own viewpoints and can understand the viewpoints of others. when reading its important to recognize viewpoints and how they shape the content of any message.

crcb ch 9 sum

PSR stands for preview, study read, and review. criical thinkers use PSR before reading. to perview is to skim through the reading then develop queations pretaning to the skiming. after yor questions predict content of what will be read. study-read is the second step. read and ask questions to better understand the material. after the material is understood properly the main idea should be easier to determine. the last step psr is review. make sure the reading is clear and understood. the PSR technique is a great study tool.

crcb ch 8 sum

authors use methods of organization in order to present information that suits the subect matter and goals of thier books. authors use a number of organizational patterns such as listing, analysis, cause/effect, and compare/contrast. trying to identify methods or organization look for word clues that will convey the authors maeesage. look at the entire reading wheather 10 pages or a whole chapter to determine an overall method of organization. organizing ideas help identify the authors main idea.

ty ch 10

fallacies may be accidental or intentional, but many are amesing and are all manipulative, and side step a well reasoned argument. fallices or trickery inclued trickery with language such as word ambiguity seeks to gain advantage in an argument by using vague or undifined words. trickery is with emotion such as appeal to fear. it seeks to persuade by araising fear. trickery with distraction like rsd hearing, uses attention diverters other then proving a claim. basically there alot of ways to lie. understanding theses tricks will help better decifer truth from wrong.

ty ch 11 sum

inductive reasoning is the process of thinking that you used in describing lets say a fruit or a vegitable. inductive is also another word for scientific method. induction can be done with our sensory observation. sight, smell, taste are a few. inductive reasoning can support a hypotheses by collecting evidence. scientist perform these test to prove thier hypotheses which is called scientific method. everyone uses some form of critical thinking.

ty ch 12 sum

deductive reasoning is the process of starting with one or more statements called premisses and investagating what conclusions nessarilly follow from these premises. deductive reasoning can be helpfull when taking a multiple choice test. most of the time only one or two of the answers will be possible fit. so deductive reasoning is helpfull to critical thinking. deduction is the subject of formal logic. logic has its own technical vocabulary.

crcb ch 10 sum

texbook marking is good way of studying and a form of memorazation. the process involes psr, mark text, write margin clues. other useful info to mark inclued, unclear information, lab lecture. personlize textbook marking can be helpful. using symbols of interst or color of interst will help to better process information and remember it. when marking make sure its not to much where there would be a information overload. textbook marking has proved very usefull for me this semister.

crcb ch14 sum

accesing information from the internet is a good way of studying and learning. when seacrhing the internet rember the seven step evaluating system which inclued knowing your purpose or what your looking for. double-check your facts and sources, make sure its reliability, credibility, and accuracy. step three consider the source. step four evaluate the look and content of a site make sure its accurate and credible. step five consider the intended audience, you dont want give 3rd gradde info to college students. step six evaluate the writing, decide if it is reliable. step sven compare content with what you already know. use the internet for knowledge,

crcb ch 13 sum

there are several levels of thinking in blooms taxonomy such as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. using these will help you better understand the material being read. creating and answering questions at each of the levels can help you to predict the kinds of questions your insructor may have on the exam.

crcb ch 12 sum

arguments are logical structures that people use whether writen or spoken to persuade others to support the ideas. word clues identify parts arguments like first of all, second, finally, and in conclusion. these phases are used to introduce the reasons in an argument. there are two types of arguments which are deductive and inductive arguments. deductive start with a general statment where as inductive begin with a series specific observation. decting fallices like red herring (irrelevent material) are important to arguments. there are flaws in every argument, but finding these flaws is important in critcal thinking.

crcb ch 11 sum

when someone thinks of something a picture pops up in their head. for example, when thinking of your mom a picture comes up not the word mom. using visual aids are helpful, but deciding what kind of aids is crucial. you could use charts and tables, illustrations along with time lines those are just a few examples. creating your own visual aids could be helpful. this may make it easier to remmember and study. using visuals will save you from taking as many notes from your texts or in lectures. visuals are helpful and will produce better study habitts which will then bring in better grades, hello deans list.