Wednesday, December 12, 2007

eng 93 all the work



Essentials of negotiation

Ch 1
There are four levels of the negotiation process. Managing conflict and engaging in mutual adjustment are the most important. Managing conflict helps negotiators understand how conflict is functional and dysfunctional. Mutual adjustment is the way a party begins to set goals for themselves in a negotiation. These are important.

Ch 2
Distributive bargaining is basically a competition over who is going to get the most of limited recourses. It begins with setting an opening, target, and resistance points. This type of bargaining is a conflict situation where parties seek their own advantage. Sometimes concealing information, attempting mislead, or using manipulative actions. This type of bargaining is crucial to have.

Ch 3
Integrative negotiation is the process of defining goals and engaging in a process that permits both parties to maximize their objectives. Successful integrative negotiations require several processes. Parties must understand each others true needs and objectives second they must create a free flow of information and an open exchange of ideas.

Ch 4
Planning is important in negotiation. Having a plan allows you to dictate the negotiation. Understand the key issues. Assemble the issues together and understand them. Define the limits. All these are planning strategies. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. The 6 p outline.

Ch 6
Communication during negotiation is simply an exchange of preferences about solutions. Its also an advantage where each party is to influence the other people use language, non verbal communication. Special communication is used to close an argument.

Ch 7
There are two ways to think about power. Power over which suggests that power is dominating by nature. Power with suggests that power is jointly shared. Power gives a negotiator a temporary advantage over yhe other party. Power is very important.

Nobody likes a liar. Lying is unethical. Some negotiators are unethical. They say indecisive things to get the upper hand. Women are more likely to lie then men. Watch there body language. It’s a tell all.

Ch 9 sum

Relationships shape negotiation and that’s a known fact. We cannot assume that negotiators are involved only in arms length market transactions. Most negotiators think of how to work together and share actions and responsibility or how to manage problems.

Ch 10 sum
Negotiations take place between to people and only a couple terms. Don’t believe what I say because it’s wrong. Negotiators evolve more then one term and more than two people. Most of the time business is represented by three or lees negotiation, and terms are in the hundreds that’s the true.

Ch 11 sum
International and cross-cultural negotiation is bigger then ever. There are certain factors that influence negotiations. First most important is foreign governments and bureaucracies. Second important is culture differences. Third is political and legal pluralism.

Ch 12 sum
Practice makes perfect. Be prepared diagnose the fundamental structure of the negotiation. Please make sure to identify and work the Banta it’s important. Don’t forget to walk away at anytime.

Leadership communication

C 1 sum

In this chapter we learned how to establish a clear communication purpose and develop a communication strategy. Also how to analyze audiences and organize written and oral communication effectively. All these objectives that this chapter presents as important are essential.

Ch 2 sum

In this chapter we learned how to select the most effective written communication medium, and create individual or team documents. Organize document content coherently and conform to content and format expectations in correspondence. These strategies lead to creating leadership documents.

Ch 3 sum

In this chapter we learned several key objectives to using language to achieve a leadership purpose. For example. Use language correctly, and communicate clearly and concisely. Another example is employ efficient editing techniques. Last but not least is achieve a positive ethos through tone and style.

Ch 4 sum

In this chapter we learned to plan your presentation, including developing a communication strategy, as well as prepare a presentation to achieve the greatest impact. Present effectively and with great confidence. With out these leadership is nothing.

Ch 5 sum
In this chapter we learned how to recognize when to use graphics, and select and design effective data charts. We also learned how to create meaningful text layout along with employing fundamental graphic content and dsign principles, and to make the most of PowerPoint work.

Ch 6 sum
In this chapter we learned how to use several key objectives to strengthen leadership communication. For example. Appreciate the value of emotional intelligence and to take steps to increase your own self- awareness. Another is improving your nonverbal and listening skills. All these objectives are crucial to communication.

Ch 7 sum
In this chapter we learned how to decide when a meeting is the best forum, and ensure meetings lead to action. Also to complete essential meeting planning and conduct a productive meeting along with managing meeting problems and conflict. All these mentioned are essential.

Ch 8 sum
In this chapter we learned how to build an effective team and establish the necessary team work processes along with how to manage the people side of terms, and handle team issues and conflict. These objectives are crucial to building and leading high-performing teams.

Ch 9 sum
In this chapter we learned how to recognize the strategic role of employee communication, and establish effective internal communication. Another objective learned is design and implement effective change communication. Last but not least, use missions and visions to strengthen internal communication.

Ch 10 sum
In this chapter we learned how to develop an external relations strategy, and build and maintain a positive corporate image. We also learned how to work with the news media which is very important.

Monday, December 10, 2007


procssing a solution is to challenge readers to care about a problem accept a solution. and act upon it. writers argue for such remidies in all areas of life. for eaxmaple college your chalenged to map out solultions. fun stuuf


ch 9-21 sum and mind maps

if one dosent like a claim they can argue against it. thats a part of persausive writing. make sure not to get off track. stay on the topic and beat it into the ground thats a good way.

beleving. to presuade people to act you have to be strong. use big words clever sentaces to throw the reader off. be intemadating, it causes uncertanty. uncerttnanty leads to beleving. if your somewhat smart you arwe samrt.


take a stand or a position gather information and present it to an audience. this is a type of pressausive writing. that means try and convience the readers that your positions is correct and logical.


a definition gives meaning to a term used by a writer. use definitioins to clarify our writing and to combine sentances. this process is useful.


process writing is thought and formation. prewrite. for example use mind maps. limit your topic. second write a rough draft. put thoughts on your paper. third revise your paper make sure points are made. third write the final draft. check spelling and finnaly turn the paper in.


classification is an organizational stratagey that writers use things to make sense a larger picture. take a topic and break itdown into smaller parts to form paragraphs. a mond map is a good classifcation

cause and effect is a method of devlpoement in which the writer anylizes the reasons for an action. a event or decision. writers use these methods to discover order in a reality is apparent chaos. also to inform, speculate,


a pesonal description examines a subject that the writer finds meaninful that subject may be valuable to someone. description is basically a multisensory film. when writing a descriptive paper be curious bold vivid and percise. consider people places that are important to you.


a personal reflection is often written to draw wisdom from past experiences. keys to a good reflection essay are as follows. recall details probe the topic. make sure to tell what is found. make sure to get feedback. this is very important when writing an essay.


a personal narrative is a story. it tells a story of such experinces you have been involved in. to write a good narrative be passionate. include characters and create memorable descriptions. make sure to narrow the focus. determine yourpurpose and gather details.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why Kids Should Play Sports
kids have been playing sports sense the day of time. a ball is not needed to call it a sport. sports offer a bunch of benifets for kids such as exersize, social development, and fun.
kids that play sports also exersize at the same time. exersize is important to a kids development. it also keeps there heatlh in check. if a child is playing sports or just being active they dont have time to eat. get rid of the video games this causes a child stay inside all day because video games are adictive.
when kids play sports they meet new people which sharpens there social skills. having good social skills prepares a child for the real life. a kid with no social skills is more likley to be shigh in front of all kinds of people. being outspoken is a direct effect of a child being socialized properly.
sports are also fun. any child needs to have fun. without fun child hood sucks. having fun helps kids in alot of ways such as less fights with parents. all parents like a kid that doesnt talk back. sports can also be used as a babysitting devise. set them up in the living room and let them play. now watching isint a nessecity. easy and fun.
in conclusion kids need have the ability to play sports. sports allow kids to socialize with other kids. sports are also fun and kids love them.