Thursday, June 28, 2007

crb ch 7 sum

authors assume a certain level of knowledge in thier readers. they rely on inference which is the process of making assumptions and drawing conclusions about information when an authors opinions or itdeas are not directly stated. to understand an authors purpose note comparisons and implied similarites, detect an authors bias are example of inference strategies. these srategies will help you to better infer meaning when an author doesnt directly state thier points. one problem that arises is that the reader will tend to infer too much. make sure you do not ignore the speaker.

ccrb ch6 sum

authors use details to illustrate and explain thier main ideas. ther are two types of details. major and minor supporting details they are used to validate and clarify the main ideas. details are found in word clues and pharses. there usally presented as facts, opinions, examples and illustrations. being able to identify main ideas and supporting details in your reading is crucial in college sucsess.

ty ch 7 sum

evaluations are not facts. they make judgments about worth on the basis of standards that may be conscious or unconscious. we must learn how to make fair and sound evalutions because they effect your every day life. our minds tend to evaluate situations before we have time to actully look them over. for example when someone is dressed poorly and stinks its easy to classify them as jobless. maybe they just got off work you never know. evaluations are also used in advertising to persuade us. propaganda manipulates public opinions but a critical thinker is able recognize what is taking place and discard it.

ty ch 6 sum

opinions effect our abillity to think critically. opinions express our decisions about life. we collect opinions throughout life from our experinces or get them from others. they can be confused with facts. critical thinking requires that we know and understand the difference between logical and illogical opinions and that we are able to distinguish statement based on evidence from statements based just on feelings. opinions should not be confused with facts.

ty ch 5 sum

we can really get messed up in our critical thinking if we continue to proceed in our actions based on invalid assumptions. should test our assumptions to be sure that our assumptions are based in reality.we should avoid jumping to assumptions especially if they are negative or illogical. we need to never ignore the obvious and recognize that by taking things for granted isnt good. Critical Thinking is very dependent on clarifying assumptions. assumptions make critical thinking different from other forms of thinking and problem solving, So pay attention and understand the lessons to be learned in dealing with assumptions.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ty ch 4 sum

its important to distinguish between observations and inferences. When you do something with that observation, like draw a conclusion or offer an explanation then you are making an inference. The inference may or may not be a correct one. Correctness is not what makes the difference between observation and inference. inference is the result of a mental process which attempts to explain or catalog or speculate about that observation. Making an inference is the ability to connect what is in a text with what’s in your mind to create educated assumptions about meaning. a.k.a. reading between the lines

ty ch 3 sum

facts are judged on the basis of truth and reality. difering the difference can be a lenghty process. a fact is something known through such things as observation, record, and testimony. facts are not the equivalent of truths and reality, they are at best only our decisions about what seems to be most real. facts fact should inclued the following characteristics. they state the obvious, they are convincing with evidence to back it up. for example the following statement is a fact. ( Bobby Maupin is attending lincoln university)

ty ch 2 sum

to share our thoughts properaly through writing we must have the ability to choose our words carefully. taking an interest in dictionaries is great way to extend your vocabulary which in time increases word perciscion. reading and writing help us to learn more about words and how to incorerate them in some form of communacation. i believe asking questions is very key to word percision and vocabulary developement. learning is asking questions.

th ch 1 sum

Observation is more than the bare act of observing to perform observation, a being must observe and seek to add to its knowledge. there are two ways to observe: watching and engaging. The first method of simple watching is to stand well back and not become involved at all . This may even be via a video link The second approach is to get closer, asking questions about what happening and perhaps even having a go yourself. As an alternative you can make notes. observation requires us to stay awake exsert 100 percent attention, and rewards us with power, creativity, and wonder.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

ccrb ch 5 sum

being able to pick out the authors main idea is a major step toward understanding college material. topics, and details are different from main ideas, but are used as hints to find main ideas. a topic is a short pharse that summerizes the gerneral idea. details support ideas. when reading question yourself, notice clue words, and categorize the athours points. these are all good strategies you can use to find the main idea. usally the main idea is either the first line or the last line in the reading, but not always.

ccrb ch 4 sum

efficient reading can be defined as being able to read and comprehend textbook material in an appropriate amount of timefor you. to become a more efficient reader you must know reading averages. the average college student reads about 300 words per minutes. pages per hour differ from subject to subject. history (20-25) pg per hour, physics (10-15) pg per hour. speed reading consists of visually grouping words together. this tactic could be useful with lots of practice. pacing your reading by using your fingertips to follow each word or group of words can improve your speed due to more physical involment. reading only some of the words instead of the entire paragraphis called skimming. this is helpfulwhen doing research. developing a reading plan using these strategies will make you more efficient.

crcb ch 3 sum

memory is a storing process. the three stages in the memory process are sensory, short term, and long term. sensory memory is the first stage. information enters the brain via your senses such as taste, smell, hearing, touch. unless this info is payed attention to it is most likely to be erased. short term memory is the second stage. like sensory, information is only stored for several minutes. chunking is a strategy used to help enhance shot term memory. it works by condensing the amount of information you have to learn. the last stage is long term memory. this is information that is stored permanently. for example, rememmbering a birthday party from the past.

crcb ch 2 sum

vocabulary building is very important. by incressing your vocabulary speaking and reading should become easier thus allowing better conversational skills. a bigger vocabulary results in better grades in academics, and allows for educational and job advancement. reading a dictionary or just reading in general is the most know way of increasing ones vocabulary. a less popular but just as a effective form is word part analysis. to analyze words, break them down into smaller parts, such as roots, prefixes, and sufixes. cardiomegaly(enlargment of the heart), cardio meaning heart and megaly meaning enlargemnet. making maps is a way of remembering words. we all know how to make those.

crcb ch1 sum

reading is a form of communication, using written language or symbols. it is also a way of thinking and learning. learning styles along with concentration are helpfull in learning and retaining information successfully. there are certain styles of learning that will keep your contcentration. for example watching a movie on the subject or even using rhyms to better rememmber the material. using self appealing styles should keep concentration blocks to a minimum. learning journals are effective techniques that help you analyze reading strtegies and assess your learning.